Sunday, February 9, 2014

Urban Inspiration

Urban Outfitters', Target's and Anthropologie's home sections are always filled with cute, and completely unaffordable frames. So when I was in Urban Outfitters a couple weeks ago and I saw crochet covered picture frames I knew it was time I took things into my own hands.

I rummaged through my antique chest and found a crochet table runner my great grandma made and decided it would be the perfect thing to repurpose for this project. I ran down to Jo-Anns grabbed three wooden frames and some yellow spray paint and went to town.

First thing first before the crochet even came into play I took the plain wood frames and spray painted them yellow. Any color or stain would work I just wanted something bright.

Then I cut pieces of crochet to cover the entire front and sides of the frame, crochet doilies from a craft store would work too.

After I cut the crochet to the correct side I flipped the frame over and simply used a staple gun to staple the fabric to the frame. I then flipped the frame back over and cut the lace out where the picture is supposed to go.

And there you go! Easy, stylish frames that are completely affordable. I made three, one of which was a different size just to add some variation. Feel free to play with this craft after all you could use any fabric scrap to cover an old frame thats laying around your house. 

Also sorry for the hiatus this new semester of classes and the start of work has kicked my butt. But now that I'm back in the swing of things posts will be back to normal!

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